Alright, the first step to solving this division problem would be to convert the mixed fraction into a simple fraction. To do that, we'll multiply the denominator by the whole number and then add that total to the numerator.
<em>Original Fraction :</em>

<em>New Fraction {Changed by Conversion} :</em>

Now that we've successfully done that we'll have to change the equation.
<em>Old Equation :</em>


= ?
<em>New Equation {Changed by Flipping the Second Fraction and the Symbol} :</em>


= ?
Now we multiply straight across.
<em>Old Equation :</em>


= ?
<em>Solved :</em>

Almost done!
Now we have to simplify the fraction.
<em>Old Fraction :</em>

<em>New Fraction {Changed by Simplification} :</em>

Now just convert it to a whole number by removing the fraction line and the number, and that's it!


Hope this helps!
- Lindsey Frazier ♥
Linear functions are equations where the greatest power of the variable (typically x) is 1;
They are graphed as straight lines;
So, any function that has the following format:
f(x) = ax + b;
Nonlinear functions would be any equation that has a variable to a power greater than 1;
This could be a quadratic equation or an exponential equation
f(-1) = 0 and f(4) = 0
Step-by-step explanation:
look at graph to see what point(s) is/are intersecting the y-axis, then use the y-value of the ordered pair
Step-by-step explanation:
the factors are 1,2,3,5,6,10,15,30