To find 5/12-3/8, you have to find a common denominator. A common denominator of 12 and 8 could be 24. So, you multiply 5/12, both the numerator and the denominator by 2, which gives you 10/24. Then, you multiply 3/8 both by 3 to get the common denominator of 24. 3/8x 3 is 9/24. So, 10/24-9/24 is 1/24 because you only subtract the numerator and keep the denominator the same.
Find the area of the rectangle and the 1/2 circle, then subtract the half circle's area from the rectangle's.
Area of the rectangle is 30in.
Area of the 1/2 circle is 19.625.
(Round it to 10.4 in this case)
Directly proportional or positively correlated
3<9h I hope this helps you