Cilia and flagella are projections from the cell. They are made up of microtubules , as shown in this cartoon and are covered by an extension of the plasma membrane. They are motile and designed either to move the cell itself or to move substances over or around the cell.
Since ponds are typically shallower than lakes, this allows more sunlight to reach pond plants than lake plants. By getting my sunlight, these pond plants can photosynthesize more efficiently.
The answers are insulin?glucose. After a meal, the digestion of carbohydrates in the intestines release sugars , which are absorbed into the blood. If food contained high levels of simple sugars then blood sugars level rises quickly. Insulin is a hormone which is released by the pancrease in response to rising blood sugar levels. Insulin causes sugars to be stored in the liver in the form of glycogen and this in turn lowers your blood sugar level.
The correct option is;
Glaciers that once covered South Africa have melted and can no longer form.
The Karoo Supergroup that formed hundres of millions of year ago covered the most part of South Africa. The Tillite debris from melting glaciers, in Dwyka Tillite are located at the bottom layers of the Karoo Supergroup, which is an indication that millions of years ago, South Africa was under extensive glacier coverage formed during the movement of the continent past the South Pole
The eventual arrival of the continent to temperate regions away from the South Pole resulted in the melting of the glaciers from which a huge swamp was formed.