Answer & Explanation:
Feedback is a form of regulation where the main product of one reaction, can also inhibit it. It can work in several ways, mainly there's a receptor that, somehow, measures the presence of a determined molecule, in this case, ATP. These receptors can also be involved in the metabolic process and when there's an excess of ATP, the enzymes are inhibited, maybe with an allosteric type of inhibition.
An example of the liver is an organ.
The liver is positioned on the right side of our stomach, and is colored reddish-brown. The liver aid us to get rid of damaging substances and benefits us to keep the body natural of contamination. The liver also is treated as a gland, due to generating bile (needed to consume fats). The liver can likewise help us wipe out aged blood cells, eliminates unhealthy substances such as alcohol and narcotic types, and also serves in balancing iron and vitamins in us.
The first couple had two children: a healthy boy and girl.
5 people have the disorder(2 women and 3 men)
It is usually caused by the forces of gravity
. A non-disjunction mutation in the gamete of one of the parents