Pollen is a gamete therefore it contains half genetic information of a regular cell. all the possible combination types are S1T, S2T, S1t and S2t
27 genotypes and 8 phenotypes
Supposing that the genotypes of both of the parents are AaBbDd (A, B and D are dominant over a, b and d). After completing the Punnett square, you can predict the following offspring:
I add an image where you can see all the 27 genotypes and frequencies.
Finally, all the 8 phenotypes with the following frequencies:
27/64 A-B-D-
9/64 A-B-dd
9/64 A-bbD-
9/64 aaB-D-
3/64 A-bbdd
3/64 aaB-dd
3/64 aabbD-
<u>1/64 aabbdd </u>
Total 64/64
Note: when a phenotype is A-, it means that it came from either genotype, AA or Aa. The same applies to B- (BB or Bb) and D- (DD or Dd)
Cytochromes:- They are iron containing hemoproteins that serve many cellular functions including energy production, steroid biosynthesis, and degradation of toxins.
Cytochromes occur in all organisms except a few obligate anaerobes. They are structurally similar among organisms. These are proteins to which one to two tetrapyrrole rings are bound. These tetrapyrroles are very similar to the chromophores of chlorophylls in plants. However, chlorophylls(in plants) contain Mg++ as the central atom in the tetrapyrrole, whereas the cytochromes(in aerobic animals) have an iron atom (Figure).
explanation- it’s more biodegradable
Answer: dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex.
Fluid intelligence is the ability to reason and solve novel problems, recognize patterns, the capacity for abstract reasoning, independent of any knowledge from the previous experiences. It's thought that involves the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex.