kingdom - plantae
Divison - Magnoliophyta
Class - Liliopsida
Order - Poales
Family - poaceae
Genus - Chusquea
Species - C. antioquensis
They have fibrious root system.
His conclusion is correct. We are overpopulated. Our planet cannot stand double the population it currently has. Waste for one thing is an unsolvable problem with 14 billion people on the planet. We are already in massive trouble with 7 billion.
But the moral principle involved is not correct. Laws have been set up that prevents us from killing each other off. Holocausts have solved nothing but that we are capable of mass murder. The population problem and all it's side effects have not been eradicated.
The Bible records God's attempt at doing what Thanos wanted to do. He saw immediately after the flood that was not the answer. Too many people is one thing. Murdering half is no answer that will work.
I’m going for real I haven’t done this because it was hard didn’t get it but now I know // ANSWER -
<span>10% rule (efficiency between trophic levels): limits how long an ecosystem's food chain can be
cost benefit analysis (i.e. foraging) -- cost is risk of being eaten or
killed along the way, benefit is energy/nourishment obtained: limits
distribution of predator v. prey
Immigration/Emigration with other populations and ecosystems
biogeography: size of land and distance from another
population/ecosystem (mainland): limits population size and variability
on island</span>
Carrier rna is the answer