He was a graet president and wanted to become the greatest of all.
The US promised to stop Communism or "contain it"
There are two main types of voting systems that can lead to different party systems. These are “first past the post” or “winner take all” systems on the one hand and proportional representation systems on the other. Each of these will tend to lead to a different type of party system.
The Assyrians were war-like civilization, but they were disadvantaged technologically, scientifically, and politically compared to the neighboring civilizations, like the likes of the Babylonians, Egyptians, Phoenicians. So in order to progress and become stronger, and thus to manage to enlarge their empire and become a power house in the region, their leaders started to borrow and learn from the neighboring civilizations, and little by little they reformed the Assyrian society and way of functioning. This contributed to the Assyrian civilization to become very strong, and they managed with their military campaigns to gain much more territory and wealth which made them what they wanted, a power house in the world they knew.
Option A would not be true because he never served a second term. He was elected one month before the civil war started.