How about we put the fractions into decimals?
1/2 is 0.5
2/3 is 0.66666(6)
So we need to find something that is between them.
the denominator can't be 2, because bigger than 1/2 is 2/2, which is 1 and is bigger than 0.6
it also can't be 3, because smaller than 2/3 is 1/2, which is 0.333... and is smaller than 0.5.
Can it be 4? we can't have 2/4 (it's the same as 1/2), or 3/4, it's 0.75, and it's bigger than 0.666...
how about 5?
2/5=0.4,no, too small
3/5=0.6- perfect! that's the answer!
<u>Mongol leader Genghis Khan (1162-1227) rose from humble beginnings to establish the largest land empire in history. After uniting the nomadic tribes of the Mongolian plateau, he conquered huge chunks of central Asia and China. </u>Explanation:
<u>Genghis Khan's personality was a complex one. He had great physical strength, tenacity of purpose, and an unbreakable will. He was not obstinate and would listen to advice from others, including his wives and mother. He was flexible. A strong leader endears himself to others by appreciating their unique talents. Khan was famously loyal to his people, valuing such qualities as honesty, honor, and flair above all else. Leadership style of Genghis Khan Autocratic leadership was the style of leadership which he followed. Autocratic leadership, also known as authoritarian leadership where an individual control over all decisions. Blood oaths, prophecies, and brutal life lessons propelled Genghis Khan into conquest, amassing the largest land empire in the history of mankind. Genghis Khan established dedicated trade routes, promoted religious tolerance, </u>and got so many women pregnant that you may be related to him. (haha)
I can't sorry have a good day
1956" (and any subsequent words) was ignored because we limit queries to 32 words.
Answer:B. The NPS manages ecosystem health while the USFS manages resource use.
Hope this helps good luck <33