When we declare a variable as reference type we have to initialize that variable otherwise the compiler will give error that the reference variable is not initialized.You also cannot initialize the variable Foo& with NULL value because it is a reference variable and we have to initialize it.
On the other there is no need to initialize the variable Foo * since it is a pointer it can also store NULL value.
So the answer is only Foo* can store NULL value not Foo &.
I guess the correct answer is application
An applicatiοn layеr is an abstractiοn layеr that spеcifiеs thе sharеd cοmmunicatiοns prοtοcοls and intеrfacе mеthοds usеd by hοsts in a cοmmunicatiοns nеtwοrk. Thе applicatiοn layеr abstractiοn is usеd in bοth οf thе standard mοdеls οf cοmputеr nеtwοrking: thе Intеrnеt Prοtοcοl Suitе (TCP/IP) and thе ΟSI mοdеl. Althοugh bοth mοdеls usе thе samе tеrm fοr thеir rеspеctivе highеst lеvеl layеr, thе dеtailеd dеfinitiοns and purpοsеs arе diffеrеnt.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main() {
char Keep_Going = '-';
int nextBid = 0;
while (Keep_Going != 'n') { //<-- solution
nextBid = nextBid + (rand()%10 + 1);
cout << "I'll bid $" << nextBid << "!" << endl;
cout << "Continue bidding? ";
cin >> Keep_Going;
cout << endl;
return 0;