The correct answer is The administrative assistant suddenly left town when requested to be interviewed.
Explanation: Act of bad faith that aims to defraud or deceive someone; song, deception, sophistication. Artful lie; sycophanty. Illegal entry of foreign products, without payment of customs duties. Act of falsifying documents, brands and products.
<em>Longitudinal study
A longitudinal study (or longitudinal survey, or panel analysis) <em>is a research design requiring repeated measurements of the same variables</em> (e.g., humans) across short or long periods of time (e.g. using longitudinal data).
Studying the elephants across long periods of time to determine their intelligence.
It is often a form of observational study, although it could also be described as randomized longitudinal experiments.
The idea is bounded rationality.
The Bounded Rationality Theory was proposed by Herbert Simon and it states that human cognition is not perfect and is flawed. One's reasoning can have fails which restricts the decision making and eventually coming to an optimal one.
The theory states that a person tends to take irrational decisions since his/her rational thinking is in fact limited by his/her cognitive skills, the available time and the complexity of such problem.
When solving a problem, one can never truly fix it in a completely optimal way since it is impossible to think of all the solutions to the problem.
The location of the water resources affect the settlement in Iran, Turkey, and Cyprus because the water that they have is not fresh so they can not drink it. Also they have to walk far because they are far away from a water source.
I. Q will be 100
Stanford Binet I.Q test is an individualized test. it was revised by L. Terman. It is now in its 5th edition. It a cognitive ability intelligence scale that measures the I.Q level of a person. By this test, we can measure abstract thinking, concrete thinking sentence completion, etc. It is a multitasking test. It is used to diagnose the developmental disorder and disability, reading problems, etc.
M.A stands for mental ability
C.A Stands for chronological age
11÷11×100 = 100
The IQ would be 100