We will be going inside B array, because he was in second place in array E,and will be the first element of array B, so it's 35
E can be understanded as:
E=[[21, 'dog', 'red'],[35, 'cat', 'blue'],[12, 'fish', 'green']], so, you can see array E as array of arrays or so-called two-dimensional array
C) chain
Small group network comprises of a vertical, direct, chain, all channel and box network
The vertical network is a network that is made for some specific purpose or goal of the business organization.
The direct network is a network that is directly interrelated to each other.
The chain network is that network in which the formal chain of command follows through which proper communication can be done in all the departments without any barriers to a communication network
It also shows that each member can communicate the person below and above their position only in a vertical hierarchy. It follows the top-down approach
This all channel network follows an informal communication network through which anyone can communicate with anyone at any time with following any chain of the business organization
The box network covers all the things in one network. Like - various software, packages, etc
In the given case Peter is asking permission from the supervisor and supervisor is discussing with the department director, is showing the formal chain of command that's why according to the given scenario the most appropriate answer is chain network.
He must consider all of these because the database is the foundation and you Will come to a lot of problems later on in the road if the foundation is faulty
I grew up in the early internet stages. when i was young we would always have to sit at school, meetup somewhere, in town, or use the home phone. But when the internet was invented we could talk to each other through our computers at home. Old computers were so bulky and slow, but that was the coolest thing around. Now i can sit at home with my 20'' moniter on my 5g wifi and talking to my friends like theres no tomorrow. The internet has changed so much in the last years. If you were gonna tell me that one day ill be sitting at home playing games online and working from home on a laptop i would have told you that you were crazy.