All of the above. If that’s not an option if it’s multiple choice let me know. Everyone uses web browser/the internet no matter the career.

By definition a computer is an electronic device used to store and compute data. So, by definition a calculator stores and interprets data/numbers, and that makes it a computer. However, a computer can also use programs, and manipulate stored data to complete those programs.
hope it helps!! :D
Air cooling is a process of lowering air temperature by dissipating heat. It provides increased air flow and reduced temperatures with the use of cooling fins, fans or finned coils that move the heat out of a casing such as a computer …
According to Saddleback college located in California;
12 units are considered full-time student status.
You may take as little as 0.5 units or as many as 19.0 units during a single semester. To take more than 19 units you are required to obtain special permission from the Counseling Department.