Compost is rich in organic nutrients
1. first part Gene expression is the process by which the instructions in our DNA are converted into a functional product, such as a protein. When the information stored in our DNA? is converted into instructions for making proteins or other molecules, it is called gene expression. second part Double-stranded DNA consists of two polynucleotides that are arranged such that the nitrogenous bases within one polynucleotide are attached to the nitrogenous bases within another polynucleotide by way of special chemical bonds called hydrogen bonds.
2. Gene regulation is an important part of normal development. Genes are turned on and off in different patterns during development to make a brain cell look and act different from a liver cell or a muscle cell, for example. Gene regulation also allows cells to react quickly to changes in their environments.
3. Non-coding DNA sequences do not code for amino acids. Most non-coding DNA lies between genes on the chromosome and has no known function. Other non-coding DNA, called introns, is found within genes. Some non-coding DNA plays a role in the regulation of gene expression.
I would say that what the essay is about they're most likely going to be biased disagreeable or agreeable. The tone may be mad.
are three principles to keep in mind when predicting the sequence of
the mRNA produced by transcription of a particular DNA sequence.
The RNA polymerase reads the sequence of DNA bases from only one of the two strands of DNA: the template strand.The
RNA polymerase reads the code from the template strand in the 3' to 5'
direction and thus produces the mRNA strand in the 5' to 3' direction.In
RNA, the base uracil (U) replaces the DNA base thymine (T). Thus the
base-pairing rules in transcription are A→U, T→A, C→G, and G→C, where
the first base is the coding base in the template strand of the DNA and
the second base is the base that is added to the growing mRNA strand.</span>
<span>Themuscle that inserts on both the iliobial tract and the gluteal is the Gluteus maximus</span>