Some fungi help trees and other plants to grow. Because the fine threads that make fungal mycelium can spread over long distances, fungi can capture water and nutrients from far away and bring them back along the fine threads and close to plant roots.
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The cycle of heating, rising, cooling and sinking is called a convection current. These currents are caused by the very hot material at the deepest part of the mantle rising, then cooling, sinking again and then heating, rising and repeating the cycle over and over.
If the cancer cell's DNA is sequenced than the anticipated results will be that the cytosines in or close to the promoter region will get methylated. It has been stated that in the cancer cells one allele of p53 is mutated and the other allele, however, of exhibiting an intact promoter, does not express the protein.
Thus, it shows that the expression in the other allele gets suppressed by methylation rather than by mutation. Methylation generally takes place in CpG islands in or close to the promoter region and therefore inhibits transcription.
RNA Polymerase is the enzyme responsible for the synthesis of RNA
Ribonucleic acid [RNA] is synthesized from DNA in a process known as transcription. this process is facilitated by RNA polymerase enzyme. The corresponding RNA produced is complementary to the parent DNA
While DNA is usually double-stranded, RNA is single-stranded and they are synthesized from each strand of DNA.
RNA polymerase is responsible for unwinding the double strands of DNA and copying the information into the newly formed RNA strand.
To learn more about RNA polymerase, check here