According to beowulf, after killing Grendel's mother (modo in Old English) with an ancient sword that he had found He beheaded her. He cut her head off to present it to Hrothgar who was the king of Spears-Danes.
It's A. It was we, the people... the whole people, who formed the Union. And we formed it, not to give the blessings of liberty, but to secure them; not to the half of ourselves and the half of our posterity, but to the whole people women as well as men.
Just took the quiz.
The answer would be the 3rd sentence.
<span>Gideon and Francis took a difficult - but not interesting - science course.</span>
The point of view should Antoine use for his story is the second-person point of view. Thus option B is appropriate.
<h3>What is a Context clue?</h3>
Any kind of hint or idea reflects from the statements which help the reader to understand the clear context in which the word is used is refers context clue. This clue helps the reader to determine the appropriate meaning.
The person being addressed owns the second-person viewpoint. When delivering instructions, giving counsel, or explaining something, a second-person point of view is frequently utilized.
In the given case, it is explained that a young adult who can travel through time is the subject of Antoine's planned narrative. He does not, however, desire that the teenager tell his own tale.
In the given case. He'll limit himself to only describing the main character's thoughts and deeds signifying the second-person point of view.
Therefore, option B is appropriate.
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