I read it wheres the qoustion involved
To change your automaTc associaTons to guarantee you give sufficient human services paying little respect to race, financial status or sexual orientation of your paTents/customers give the individual a shot and here their story or need. Try not to be so quick to demonstration of responding in light of prattle.
The purpose of these lines is to express love by likening a loved one to a nice day.
Shakespeare's "Sonnet 18" expresses admiration for a young person - many say it is a young man, but the sonnet itself does not make it clear who the speaker is addressing. The speaker compares this "fair youth" to a summer's day, but this person is more temperate, more lovely. While summer can be filled with extremes - sun shining too hot or too dim; rough winds -, the addressed person is more pleasant. While summer does not last long, this person's beauty shall last forever, immortalized in this sonnet, read about by people in years and years to come. The purpose of the sonnet is to express love and admiration for this person; the comparison with the summer's day is a tool that serves that purpose.
True because that will be much more afffectibe outcome which will result as in effect