Answer:The understanding of conservation
The law of conservation states that the amount of something is preserved even when the shape is altered or even when that thing is deformed.
For example putting the same amount of water in a short big glass and transferring it into a long thin glass doesn't change the amount of water that was initially in the first big short glass and children may not understand this at a certain age until they grow up to understand the law of conservation.
41= to plan for saving and spending money 42= address 43= there was no question, only answers 44= They were all Creek Indians living in America before the European explorers arrived. 45= the Radical Republicans' plan and Johnson's plan 46= the Proclamation of 1763, the Stamp Act, and the Intolerable Acts following the Boston Tea Party 47= the Bill of Rights 48= through partisan elections, non-partisan elections, or appointed by higher judges or local legislators 49= Archaic 50= Georgia declared that the Constitution guaranteed the right to vote but not the right to hold office and removed them from office.
Explanation: I hope this helps :)
"The Mississippian Period lasted from approximately 800 to 1540 CE. It’s called “Mississippian” because it began in the middle Mississippi River valley, between St. Louis and Vicksburg. However, there were other Mississippians as the culture spread across modern-day US. There were large Mississippian centers in Missouri, Ohio, and Oklahoma."
"The construction of large, truncated earthwork pyramid mounds, or platform mounds. Such mounds were usually square, rectangular, or occasionally circular. Structures (domestic houses, temples, burial buildings, or other) were usually constructed atop such mounds.
Maize-based agriculture. In most places, the development of Mississippian culture coincided with adoption of comparatively large-scale, intensive maize agriculture, which supported larger populations and craft specialization.
The adoption and use of riverine (or more rarely marine) shells as tempering agents in their shell tempered pottery.
Widespread trade networks extending as far west as the Rockies, north to the Great Lakes, south to the Gulf of Mexico, and east to the Atlantic Ocean."
Dissociative identity disorder ''is a disorder in which different personalities coexist in a single body.''
Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a mental disorder characterized mainly by the alteration of autobiographical memory and identity (with the presence of multiple personalities), as well as by problems in perception, consciousness and volitional control. It usually manifests itself, transiently or chronically, in people predisposed to dissociation who have suffered severe trauma during childhood. Diagnostic criteria include the alternation between 2 or more personalities (very different from each other), that take control of the individual's behavior on a recurring basis and the inability to remember relevant autobiographical information.
The Great Society were programs developed and put forth by Democrat President L. Johnson in 1964 with the goal of eradicating poverty and racial injustices. Spending for these programs were put towards education, urban issues, health care, transportation, and poverty (present day Medicare, Medicaid, and federal funding for education).
Johnson and activists worked together to put forth studies of American socities, reported on findings to corresponding agencies, and assisted many civil rights laws including the Civil Rights law of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, The Immigration and nationality Services Act of 1965, and the Civil Rights Act of 1968.