your answer may be(utility software)
C. Confidentiality
With confidentiality, a person who intercepts messages you intend to remain private cannot read them and thus increases your document protection
foo = float( input( "Enter a number: " ) )
if( foo < 0.0 ):
print( "negative" )
elif( foo > 0.0 ):
print( "positive" )
print( "zero" )
exit( 0 )
Answer: The utilize of great ICT moreover moves forward client administrations and client request. From database advancement, site plan to showcase investigate, interpretation program, coordinate mail showcasing and preparing, the application of ICT is basic for a financial victory. The web is one of the ways in which media companies / businesses publicize.
Hypertext Markup Language, a standardized system for tagging text files to achieve font, colour, graphic, and hyperlink effects on World Wide Web pages.
this information was taken from google