The beep test, also known as the PACER test or PACER Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run the 20 m Shuttle Run Test (20 m SRT), or the multi-stage fitness test is a running test used to estimate an athlete's aerobic capacity
if a school implements a health program there will be lower rates of allergies, fewer days missed due to illness, less risk of measles outbreaks and better standardized test scores.
(1.) Tolerance
(2.) Drug interaction
(3.) Side effect
These should be all right (:
This study aims to observe the conditions of Human Development among the SAARC Countries, to examine the trend, pattern and composition of the indicators of human development along with Human Development Index (HDI) among SAARC nations. Secondary data is used to analyse this study from 1990 to 2017. Since 1990, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has been preparing the global Human Development Report (HDR). Every year the HDRemphases on a distinct issue that effects on measuring the multidimensional human development. HDIis getting popular to measure the development of a country. It combines three critical indicators namely, Education, Life expectancy, and Standard of living. The highly developed nations are with higher HDI scores.In the year 2018, Niger has scored 0.536 whereas Norway got 0.953in HDI score. Therefore, Norway will be considered more developed than Niger in Human Development. Obviously, when compared with the previous year’s status all South Asian nations registered positive growth. India’s HDI value has been increased from 0.427 (1990) to 0.640 (2017), i.e., a sharp increase of HDI value of 0.231. These remarkable achievements achieved by India next to Sri Lanka and the Maldives. India ranks third in SAARC region and 130th rank in the world among 189 Countries and territories. This study has been attempted to throw lights on the progress which is addressed systematically to the promotion and protection of human development. KEYWORDS: Human Development Index, SAARC, Human Development Report,UNDP.
A) the number of neural connections is estabelished soon after birth ..
ihope it help u ..!