B. Human activities and natural events can damage the environment.,
Human activities are those activities carried out by a human being. The environment is being degraded daily as a result of the activities of man as well as natural occurrences e.g earthquake, tsunami, wild fire etc.
Human activities also called anthropogenic activities that damage the environment include sewage pollution, burning of fossil fuels, oil spillage etc. Hence, according to this question, human activities and natural events can damage the environment.
The answer is; glycolysis
This process converts glucose molecule to pyruvate. It is an oxygen-independent pathway, unlike the Krebs cycle. Glycolysis occurs in the cell cytoplasm while the Krebs cycle (aerobic pathway) occurs in the mitochondria. In the presence of oxygen, the product of glycolysis, i.e pyruvate, is fed to the Krebs cycle. If oxygen is unavailable the pyruvate is converted to lactate.
Yes, rennin<span>. [ren´in].: the milk-curdling enzyme found in the gastric juice of human infants ... was formerly used extensively as a </span>curdling agent<span> by the cheese industry.</span>
The lobes of the brain that receives input from the nose is called the olfactory lobes. They are the ones responsible in receiving the sense of smell. These lobes are responsible in sending signals in the brain in the process of sense of smell.