a.) live in a smart community
A standard incandescent light burns through 50 watts of electricity per hour. Replacing an incandescent bulb with an LED bulb can save 6 tons of household emissions per year. Saving 6 tons of carbon emissions is the same as reducing your gas consumption by 700 gallons. (proving b wrong)
you can help reduce your carbon footprint and other greenhouse gases by using energy-efficient home appliances since they have lower emissions of harmful gases into the environment. (proving c wrong)
Answer: Un ejemplo de cada uno sería el flagelo presente en un espermatozoide y el cilio en el tejido epitelial de los pulmones que elimina las partículas extrañas. Los cilios móviles y los flagelos poseen la misma estructura de axonemas 9 + 2.
d. to map all base pairs in DNA
The correct sequence of events is : C,D,B,A.
Iron rich magma in the earth's core heats up because of radiation and the pressure exerted by the other layers of the earth. This heat in the crust trigger convection currents in the mantle. The magma closest to the core will be hotter and therefore less dense than other layers. Being less dense the layer will rise towards the crust, eventually becoming cooler and sinking back down in a circular motion.
The continued circular motion creates electric currents which then generates the magnetic field.