They normaly do that to put a virus on your device And hack into your private info like passwords and credit cards and stuff like that
Always watch a movie leagly
You should find a good game engine that is not hard. Unity and Unreal are some good ones.
You should also search for the programming language you like the most, and use engines that use that specific language.
Answer:i do Eri's Quirk allows her to rewind an individual's body to a previous state. She has shown the ability to rewind someone's body to a point before they existed, which she accidentally did to her father.
The solution code is written in C++
- bool STATUS = true;
- bool alternator ()
- {
- if(STATUS){
- STATUS = false;
- return true;
- }else{
- STATUS = true;
- return false;
- }
- }
We need a global variable to track the status of true or false (Line 1).
Next, create the function alternator (Line 2) and then check if current status is true, set the status to false but return the previous status boolean value (Line 5-6). At the first time of function invocation, it will return true.
The else block will set the STATUS to true and return the false (Line 7-9).