The causes of these revolutions were connected through new intellectual and political ideas, as well as economic issues. ... Enlightenment ideals 1start superscript, 1, end superscript of freedom and equality strongly influenced the revolutionary age as they challenged the old order of life.
Because the Turks see the Hagia Sophia as an important artifact. Also, a tradition from the Ottoman times states that Islam is the fulfiller of Judaism and Christianity, and they are all Abrahamic and that no division should take place between the three. So, the Turkish government has taken this duty into their hands and are now preserving the Hagia Sophia for the younger generations of the world to see how the Turkish government and holy Muslims want to keep peace between the religions of the world, and not only that, but how the Turkish government preserved these artifacts to show the later generations of the world intact history.
After the Treaty of Rijswijk (1697) temporarily settled the dispute between the English and the French over Hudson Bay, Iberville was commissioned to fortify the mouth of the Mississippi in order to secure the claim made on Louisiana by René-Robert Cavelier, sieur de La Salle. In January 1699 Iberville explored the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico, rediscovering the mouth of the Mississippi. Later he established a temporary fort, Fort Maurepas, on Biloxi Bay (now Ocean Springs, Miss.) and then sailed for France. The following year he returned and established a second fort, Fort La Boulaye, just below present-day New Orleans and in 1702 constructed a new post, Fort St. Louis, on the Mobile River. The success of these defense projects persuaded Louis XIV to begin colonizing Louisiana.
because the amendment was widely seen as necessary to reduce the influence of big business and other special interests on the selection of senators and to prevent vacancies or frequent turnover in the Senate caused by party wrangling or changes of party leadership at the state level.
The city, which was later renamed Puebla de Zaragoza, is the site of a museum devoted to the battle, and the battlefield itself is maintained as a park.