When the daughter in “Two Kinds” looks in the mirror and begins thinking “thoughts filled with lots of won’ts,” the reader can p
redict that she will (1 point) do what her mother wants her to do. begin to rebel against her mother. try harder to do well on the tests. perform poorly at the piano recita
When the daughter in “Two Kinds” looks in the mirror and begins thinking “thoughts filled with lots of won’ts,” the reader can predict that she will perform poorly at the piano recital
In “Two Kinds” the character of Jing-Mei has been pushed to become a piano prodigy, she is under the constant pressure of her mother who demands her to be an obedient daughter, not a daughter that follows her mind, during the story we see that she doesn't want to disappoint her mother but she get to the breaking pint where she just decides to go after her beliefs.
Hey we just read that too! How Mr. Frank says "no more" because he can't bare to remember his horrid past by reading his diary. In the first scene, he finds the diary and starts reading it. In scene 5, Mr. Frank finishes the book.