Three hundred and fifty-four thousand, two hundred and ten =354210
Hundred thousand║Ten thousand║Thousand║Hundred║Tens║Ones
3 5 4 2 1 0
Step-by-step explanation:
The answer is 26-37y over 2. I worked it out and i hope it is very helpful. I know a lot of struggle with math so hope it helps!
Well the answer is 4 because 13 in the water
9 more than the ones on the log
so the log has 9 turtles less than the turtles in the water
X(u, v) = (2(v - c) / (d - c) + 1)cos(pi * (u - a) / (2b - 2a))
y(u, v) = (2(v - c) / (d - c) + 1)sin(pi * (u - a) / (2b - 2a))
v ranges from c to d, 2(v - c) / (d - c) + 1 will range from 1 to 3,
which is the perfect range for the radius. As u ranges from a to b, pi *
(u - a) / (2b - 2a) will range from 0 to pi/2, which is the perfect
range for the angle. So, this maps the rectangle to R.
O=4i (is that was you were asking about)
edit: sorry that wasn't very detailed say if the input is 4 the output will be 16 or if the input is 100 the output will be 400. So mainly what ever the input is multiply it by 4.
I hope this helps :)