Ummmmm. Ik. Not sure but good luck! Lol lakshdhdyvfjvgjetvvfgh
The statement that best defines rights is. a right is an entitlement to act or to have others act in a certain way.
Remember: If the subject is performing the action, then the sentence is in active voice. If the subject is simply receiving the action, then the sentence is in passive voice. Shift the object of the action into the beginning of the sentence.
You did not pay your bill.
1. President
2. Ford
3. The Things They Carried
4. Illinois
5. actor
6. writer
7. Wonder Woman
success- abstract
honesty- abstract
television- concrete
It was early morning, and the sun rose on the tall mountains.
When I met Gloria, I could see she was a girl from her bright dress and shiny pin, labeled with her pronouns.
Louise had an excitable dog with an affinity for giving wet licks to your thigh.
Can you see that stupid bird with the shiny feathers?