In the poem, Byron writes that daylight is "gaudy."
He does this to prove that daylight is overly bright and showy. His love is not like daylight -- she is not bright and showy.
That's why she walks like the night -- she does not need to flaunt her beauty. Her beauty is natural.
A dependent clause is a group of words with a subject and a verb, but doesn't make much sense on its own. A lot of times, especially in a sentence with a comma, you can split the sentence and see if it makes any sense.
6. "Before we hiked"
7. "When we go on nature field trips."
8. "Since John was an expert of volcanoes"
9. "If you want to see something closer."
10. "After a volcano erupts"
None of those answers make sense as independent sentences, which is how you can tell they're dependent clauses; they depend on the other part of the sentence.
Turns out, dogs have fewer cone receptors than humans — which means they can't see as many colors. Human cones can detect 3 colors: red, green, and blue. ... This boosts dogs' night vision even more and is why dogs' eyes shine in the dark. Turns out, dogs' eyes see much more than just black and white