<span>Decimals that have the same value are equivalent decimals. Equivalent decimals are decimal numbers that have the same value (the same amount). In other words equivalent decimal numbers have the same value but different number of decimals. For example: 0.5 and 0.50 are equivalent decimals. 0.5 and 0.500 0.05 and 0.0500
< means 'less than'. 3.5 is less than 4.5, so A is correct. Since -4.5 is NEGATIVE it is less than 0. As for C, since both numbers are negative, it would be the seemingly 'smaller' number that is actually bigger. It may help to think of the numbers on a number line. In the negatives, the numbers start to go in reverse, so the further from 0 a negative number is, the smaller it is. -4.5 IS LESS than -3.5. All answers are correct.