Since Hinduism isn't an organized religion, there is no single or systematic approach to understanding or teaching its "value system", however there are several core beliefs that are held across the religion which help us grasp their basic ideology. The only god that Hindus believe in is Brahman, a formless yet eternal being. Along with their god, Hindu scriptures can be found in The Vedas, which contains revelations received by ancients in the religion. Those who practice Hinduism most likely hold the belief that truth is eternal. However even more importantly, the main goal of Hinduism is to achieve Dharma, which is essentially one's true calling or purpose in life. The ideology of Hinduism suggests that our souls are immortal, meaning that the actions of a soul residing in a body will reap the consequences of those actions in the next life. Same soul, different body. The final notable aspect of the ideology is the concept of Moksha. For Hindus, this is the ultimate goal of the soul. It is a process of liberation where the soul is released from the consistent cycle of death followed by rebirth. This is instead where the soul meets with Brahman. Path of duty, knowledge, and devotion are what brings a soul to Moksha.
I agree. I think that the system could greatly benefit from a change in how things are done.
Answer: d. staffing U.S. embassies and consulates worldwide.
The United States Department of State is the country's first line in foreign affairs and relations. They engage in actions geared at protecting and advancing American interests around the world as well as actions that contribute to the general well being of the world, all of which are in line with the President's foreign policy.
As the first line of communication with foreign entities, the Department of State maintains and staffs over 250 U.S. embassies and consulates worldwide which communicate with not only countries, but with international organisations as well.
d) continues throughout life.
Political socialization occurs all life long as a process when people acquire ideas and values. This initially happens in the family, then educational endeavours could be later, but also social groups have influence. Together with mass media pressing on, and other forms of propaganda then political socialization is increased.
There are other reasons why it continues lifelong, the laws, religion, sex and gender form or are embraced in political ideals.
The geography, race are also often factors that will affect the process.
The change in values is more often than tought if we consider how non static some variables are.
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that the children remembered more stories in which the light-complexioned characters had positive attributes and the dark-complexioned characters had negative attributes. Since many of these older stories associated positive attributes to those with light-complexions and children tend to remember the positive attributes more.