In the 15th century, Florence, period known as the <em>Early Renaissance</em>, was not a city in the united country of Italy as we know it nowadays. Italy was fractioned into many city-states, each with their own kind of government; Florence was a republic in which there existed a Constitution, which mainly restricted the power of the aristocrats and made certain that no person, nor group of people could have total political control of the republic. Political power belonged in the hands of the middle-class merchants, a few wealthy families, such as the Medici family, and the influential societies. The Florentine people were very proud of their form of government, due to the fact that a republic government respects the individualisms.
Renaissance began in Florence because opulence accumulated during this period, between a growing middle and upper class of bankers and merchants. By the 15th century, Florence had fulfilled a high level of prosperity because of its important position on the main Mediterranean trade routes, and its wool industry. In the same period, Florence accomplish one of its major military tests, the effort of the Duke of Milan to bring Florence under his rule and with that to dominate Italy. The victory produced a huge upward in the Florentines civic confidence and cultural activity. It was in this cheerful climate that an extraordinary group of artists and intellectuals formed under the patronage of the Medici family; this artists began to create new ways of vision and thought, initiating with the first period of Renaissance in Italy.
Decir que la guerra no ha llegado a sus objetivos, que no tiene consenso sobre los orígenes de la misma, que tiene argumentos para los facilitadores de uno de los capítulos de los más trágicos de la vida política y social del país. Sin embargo, el embargo y la guerrilla de las Farc, es un paso fundamental e histórico hacia una reconciliación que cada vez se acerca más.
Por la necesidad de entender las razones del conflicto armado, la Mesa de Diálogos de La Habana se instaló mediante un acuerdo, el 5 de agosto de 2014, la Comisión de Memoria Histórica del Conflicto y sus Víctimas.
Esta comisión está integrada por 12 expertos y dos reaseguradores, los elegidos en conjunto por las partes negociadoras, los que se han agregado a la tarea de "producir un informe sobre los orígenes y las múltiples causas del conflicto, los principales factores y las condiciones que pueden facilitarlo o contribuir con él". su persistencia, y los efectos y impactos más notorios del mismo sobre la población ".
Dicho informe fue presentado la semana pasada en la Mesa de los Diálogos y el Consto, en las Palabras de la Delegación de las Farc, "un relato plural, aún en construcción, pero ya no unilateral" de lo que ha sido la guerra en Colombia. Allí se recogen las visiones individuales de los 12 expertos, además de las dos relatorías que, siguiendo la metodología, independencia y autonomía académica adoptada por los expertos, fueron desarrolladas por cada relator.
En total son 14 documentos con visiones heterogéneas de la génesis, desarrollo y consecuencias del conflicto. EL HERALDO se dispuso a hacer la tarea de revisarlos y presentar sus principales conclusiones.
Women would face discrimination and face gender inequality because men might think women are weak as a soldier.
b. was the result of increased competition for open range.
Hey there,
Your question state: A _______________ farmer would rent farm land and work the land for a part of the crop.Based on my research, your correct answer is tenant because tenant is a word that means when a person rents a house and from there makes it as his own.A tenant farmer would rent farm land and work the land for a part of the crop.