The gestation period in cats stays for approximately 66 days and in every cycle a cat give birth more than 2 babies so if all cats are producing kittens at this rate, a prediction can be made that there will be lots of cats in our ecosystem. There will be cats everywhere if the number is not controlled.
As mentioned earlier, cats can starts reproducing at a young age of 6 months and right after delivery can get pregnant.
The statement C that says ''is derived from the inner cell mass'' is false.
The trophoblast is a structure composed of a set of cells (cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast), which are shaping the outer layer surrounding a blastocyst, during the earliest stages of embryonic development that mammals pass.
The trophoblast provides nutritive molecules to the developing embryo and facilitates its implantation to the uterine wall due to its ability to erode the tissues of the uterus, that is, it is responsible for making it possible for the embryo to be implanted in the uterine endometrium. Thus, the blast can join the cavity formed by the uterine wall, where it will absorb nutrients from the fluid from the mother.
During the third week, embryonic development includes the development of the trophoblast. At the beginning, the primary villi are formed by the internal cytotrophoblast which is surrounded by the outer layer of syncytiotrophoblast. Then, the cells found in the embryonic mesoderm are directed to the primary villous in the third week of gestation and when it ends, the mesodermal cells begin to be singled out to form blood vessel cells.