Thesis statement: The Death of Ivan Ilych presents a strong example of realism. Topic: Realism in the death of Ivan IIych. Textual Evidence: Ivan Ilych's life had been most simple and most ordinary and therefore most terrible. Explanation: Thesis statement basically gives the scope, main idea or purpose of the essay.
Cause its frickin english
Answer: Cosmonauts are people trained and certified by the Russian Space Agency to work in space. Astronauts are people trained and certified by NASA, ESA, CSA, or JAXA to work in space.
- By revealing attitudes related to spending and saving that men held during the Victorian era.
The character of Tolvald Helmer is from Henrik Ibsen's play "A Doll's House". Here, the setting and the characterization of the play all resonates with the social and domestic issues of that time.
While Torvald appears to be strict and miserly about how money is spent, his wife Nora seems to have no qualms about borrowing or spending money. Some cases may be for useful needs and requirements, but at times, they were used for some fancy stuffs, not really important and needed for the family. Besides, Torvald feels that it is below himself and uncalled for to ask for money to someone, or even take it on loan. He wants to be independent and manage his domestic affairs independently.
Thus, the characterization of Torvald as a spendthrift by the author is a revealation of the attitudes relating to the way money is spent and also saved by the men during the Victorian period.
Because we can be able to communicate with each other using the apps the organization makes. Using these can be entertaining.