If you only pay the minimum each month, your debt might become spread out over a longer period of time and interest charges may increase over time. This is not an effective strategy, and depending on the provider, you may end up paying more that what you needed to pay off.
Hope this helped!
1. Please find it attached.
If both of them don't get lawyers they will each make half of the $5 million being $2.5 million a piece.
If one side hires a lawyer and the other doesn't, the side with the lawyer will win 0.9 of $5 million which is $4,500,000. However they would have paid the lawyer $200,000 so that payout drops to $4,500,000. The other would make 0.1 which is $500,000.
If they both get a lawyer they will each get half which is $2,500,000 but they would both have paid their lawyers $200,000 a piece so the net payout would be $2,300,000.
2. The Nash Equilibrium is the alternative that it would not serve either party to deviate from as it serves them both well. The Nash Equilibriums would be If both don't get a lawyer or if both get a lawyer.
3. Yes they would because without lawyers they would make more money as they would not have to pay the $200,000 in fees.
Scarcity: In short supply of
Choice: Making a decision
Opportunity Cost: The loss of one aspect of a decision with the benefit of another
Efficiency: Being efficient and accurate as well as reliable
Inefficiency: Not being effective and wasting resources or time
Organisational learning is the process by which knowledge is created, retained, and transfered within an organisation. This will imporve quality of decision-making at all levels of the organisation.
Over time the organisation gains a broad knowledge base that it can use to better the organisation.
Innovative or nonprogammed decisions opens up a world of possibilities to the business and evaluation is done to get the best idea for implementation.
d. willingness to pay of all buyers in the market.
The demand curve shows the relationship between the price of a good or service and the quantity demanded at a particular time.
Therefore, a demand curve reflects:
a. highest price buyers are willing to pay for each quantity.
b.quantity that each buyer will ultimately purchase.
c. value each buyer in the market places on the good.
With this in mind, what the demand curve does not reflect, with these in mind is a willingness to pay of all buyers in the market.