Follows are the solution to the given question:
For point a:
When efficient level Q1 is produced, the dollar amount of the total surplus (production company excess plus its consumer excess) is provided
Surplus consumer area + Surplus manufacturer area
= Triangle Area ABC:

So, the total amount of surplus in 5.4a is $800. The dollar value of its surplus is calculated by the output Q1

so, the consumer surplus = $400.
For point b:
Whenever the output level Q2 is produced, the unit price of the loss of demise is calculated by the sheltered region in figure 5.4 a
= Triangle Area dbe:

So, the deadweight loss = $50. The total surplus for output Q2 is determined by the trapezium suitable area
So, the total surplus is $750
For point c:
The value of its deadweight loss in dollars in Q3 can be seen in figure 5.4b in the shaded area provided by
= The triangle area bfg

The deadweight loss is $98.
The total excess at output level Q3 is calculated by removing the deadweight loss from the maximum excess. It implies a quantity of between $800 - $98 = $702.
In the incident of oversupply, the consumer supply is, therefore, $702.