90/139 is the only fraction not equivalent to 45/70.
To find if a fractions are equivalent, divide the numerator by the denominator for each fraction.
Notice how all of these get you the same number. However, when you divide 90 by 137, you get 0.64748, which is not the same as the others. Therefore, 90/137 is the fraction that is not equivalent to 45/70.
Start with a dot on -3 of the y-axis, then use slope 1/1 to go up one and right one, do that until you reach 3 on the x-axis and make a dot, and then just draw a line through both dots.
Parks wants to share her point of view about a challenging time in history. ... She also uses chronological structures to explain the order of events that she narrates in MY STORY. Her memoir let's her share her first-person perspective in a way that other types of narration cannot.
Va :) de que es/que hay que hacer?
Some flowers and some shading in it