B - Federation
Mexico (or United Mexican states) operate as a federation, in which the president functions as both the head of state and the head of the government. Mexico has thirty-states that operate just like the structure that is found in America. They have the executive, judiciary and legislative branches of government with true separation of powers that keeps their activities in check.
d. You give someone a thumbs up to let your friend know you like the meal they made.
Non-Verbal Communication is the symbolic expression of the verbal communication. It helps people to interpret or express thoughts especially feeling and emotions. It enforces better relationships and strong bonding among the people. Non-verbal behavior includes gestures, postures, eye contact, etc.
As per the question, a thumbs up symbolizes that meals are good and its a classic example of non-verbal communication.
Most manufacturers require oil changes at 3ooo, answer D.
cognitive dissonance
Cognitive dissonance is the state of an individual where he or she develops conflicting beliefs, attitudes or behavior. When an individual's belief starts clashing with the new facts, they tend to resolve the contradiction to reduces their discomfort. For example, when people start to eat more junk food or adapt to an unhealthy lifestyle (behavior) and it leads to obesity( cognition), they are in a state of cognitive dissonance.
As per the question, Alan knows that drinking is harmful but still gives reason to justify it therefore he is in a state of cognitive dissonance.