Js is an programming language usually used for coding. It is used on most browsers to produce an effective and interactive design for some users.
The answer is "4".
In this code, on line number 4, it will give the error message, and its correct solution can be defined as follows:
In this code, a variable "score" is declared, that holds a value that is 0, and in the next step, a method "onEvent" is declared that uses a method, and in the if block, it checks the "score" value that is less than 5 and it will print the message.
The design and management of sites is internet explorer; it is the research that takes place over time to make a site look fantastic, work quickly and function well with a smooth user interface.
Option B.
The delete key is used to delete the symbol after the insertion point.
Here, Michal is typed as Michael.
So, to delete the letter e from Michael, put the insertion point before e.
If you put insertion point after the letter e or before the letter l, l gets deleted.
In no case, you can put the insertion point after the letter l.
So, option B is correct.
Keyboard and mouse are input/output
Webcam and microphone are audio/visual