That statement is true.
The technological and scientific advancements allow people to obtain various resources on significantly cheaper price compared to the past.
Advancement in various scientific fields such as in Physics, agriculture, Biology, and chemistry allowed the people to mass produce commodities to fulfill our basic needs. Making it easy for us to obtain foods, Drugs, and wife variety of tools.
For the people who live in the past, things that we obtain easily like this were considered as a luxury. This is the reason why many technological and
scientific advances changed the quality of life.
According to the Article 2 all states that are entering the Confederation are preserving their sovereignty and independence.
Article are Confederation are presenting the first constitution of the United States. They were written in 1777, but remained unratified until 1781. Still, as the articles lacked certain significance they never gained full authority in the country. That is why in 1787 first official Constitution was adopted.
The correct answer is Silk.
The Silk Road was many trade routes which connected the East and West. It was central to the economic, cultural, political, and religious interactions between these regions from the 2nd century BCE to the 18th century.
Your last one
the aztec gov was made up...loyal to their kings
Winston Churchill became prime minister May 10, 1940