Collaboration in organizations requires a strategy capable of using all the resources availables to reach the goals provided by the strategic planning. In a globalized world these goals need to be manage with speed and effciency, here is were the technology displays all the real potential of organizations.
The most probable result is that the court will declare the contract invalid and non-binding because the purchase price and important terms regarding the consideration involve are too vague and indefinite.
In order for a contract to be considered valid and binding, consideration must exist and the more precise the terms, the better. Consideration is something of value that both parties exchange. In this case it is a house vs. money, but the price is not specified.
Answer: Personal Digital Assistants
Personal Digital Assistants are a range of small handheld mobile devices that used to be very popular with working class people as they provide computing and storage uses which are very important in the business world for purposes such as keeping schedules and address books. They were like mini-computers that had small keyboards and sometimes a sensitive pad that could be written on.
Usually termed the 'first Smartphones', PDAs were immensely popular in the 90s and the early 2000s but have since been largely replaced by Smartphones which can perform all their duties and more.
When a company is organized by product, it will structure its whole operation to cater to focus on that one product. This will include the way the arrange their production method, distribution strategy, marketing plan that they implemented, etc.
We can use coca-cola as an example.
They separate the office to cater specific products only. They do this to increase the efficiency of the production. Focusing only on one product will make it easier for the workers to understand the type of customers that they face in the market and the type of materials and production method that will be the most cost efficient.
AUD 39.93 is expected to be received for your baht.
To calcuate the cross currency exchange rate between Thai Baht and AUD, inverse the USD per Thai Baht quote, this will give you (1/0.023 = 43.478). Now, multiply this by USD per AUD ( TBHT by USD multiplied by USD by AUD, thus USD will cancel out and leave you with TBHT by AUD). The Final ER will stand at TBHT 25.0434 per AUD. Divide the sum of TBHT 1000 by 25.0434 and you will recieve AUD 39.93