The researchers will use mice instead of opossums or humans to determine whether the cells of the ear bones originated from the same embryonic cells as the cells that form the jaw in other vertebrates because in this type of experiment, organisms that are ideal are the ones that have a short life span, easy to be researched on and easy to mantain.
It will be very tedious and demanding to use opossums and humans in this type of practical experiment because,it is against the culture and norms guilding human living and existence to use humans as model organisms,opossums as well are very bad model organisms because unlike the mice,opossums are long lived and it will be very difficult to raise and maintain an opossum in a laboratory.
Humans and mice are both mammals just that human is a higher mammal but they share similar features in terms of pattern of development,though there is a clear difference during their early development,so because of the common ancestry shared by the mice and humans,the result of the experiment on the mice with share a close similarity with the pattern that is expected in humans.
The correct answer is option C, For more kingdoms were introduced
Linnaeus was the first to develop a system of classification of living things. He mainly grouped the living things into animal or plant kingdom, but later with the advent of microscope it became easy for the researchers to observe microscopic beings and thus three new kingdoms were proposed namely- fungi, protists (considered as simple organism) and monera (bacteria).
Not only this with in a kingdoms comes several phylum, these phylums were also reorganized and recategorised based on the discovery of more categories and subcategories.
The most important and observable difference in the plant animal cells mitosis is the cytokinesis.
The muscular system is the set of more than 650 muscles in the body, whose main function is to generate movement, whether voluntary or involuntary.
The functioning of the muscular system can be divided into 3 processes, one voluntary in charge of the skeletal muscles, the other involuntary carried out by the visceral muscles and the last process is the duty of the cardiac muscles and autonomous functioning.
Skeletal muscles allow walking, running, jumping, in short, they empower a multitude of voluntary activities. Except for reflexes, which are the involuntary responses generated as a result of a stimulus. As for involuntary functioning muscles, it can be specified that they perform independently of our will but are supervised and controlled by the nervous system, they are responsible for generating pressure for the transfer of fluids and the transport of substances throughout the organism with the help of peristaltic movements (such as food, during the digestion and excretion process).
The autonomous process takes place in the heart, an organ made of heart muscles. The primary function of this muscle tissue is to contract regularly, millions of times, having to endure fatigue and weariness, or else the heart would stop.
<span>genetically engineering rice that can be grown in more varied climates </span>