By being in the north and wanting the south to rid of slaves, and to make them join the north. but the south only had huge amounts of farm land, and no way to sow, till, or harvest all that land with out a few hundred slave workers. the north seen that as unnescessary to do. the north also laid out laws that the south didnt agree with leading to the southern states declaring independancy against the north witch lead to war.
The latin term used for leader in early Roman christians is <u>PAPA</u> (which means father)
Pope, the word comes from the latin word 'Papa' which means father. Pope is the head of vatican city. The catholic church considers him as the true successor of "Apostle Peter".
<u>Additional Information:</u>
Pope Mobile: Car of Pope
Mitre: His tall hat
Pallium: The cloth that he wears around the neck
Mode of election: The cardinal electors chooses the new Pope in a meeting called conclave (a room which may be locked). It needs the support of two third majority to elect the new Pope.
The <span>hospitality </span><span>industry encompasses the lodging and food industries.
When mapmakers talk about balance it is about element placing. They need to make a map that is not crowded but also not full of blank space or any blank space at all. This leads to them excluding many elements of a given region just because there is not enough space on the paper to put it on. In order to put more elements on a map, map creators create maps of different scales and regions so that more details could be incorporated into a map.