Compounds are those substances that are made up of elements that are combined in a fixed proportion or ratio. The individual property of element is lost once it forms a compound. The physical and chemical properties of both compound and an element is different.
Example of a compound is water and its elements are hydrogen and oxygen. Water is a colorless liquid that acts as a solvent and dissolves most of the solutes in it. While oxygen and hydrogen occurs as gases in their elemental state.
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Classification systems function in order to organize a group of organisms into smaller groups according to some kind of logic. For example, the most used classifications system in biology is the phyllogenetic, which classifies living beings according to their evolutive affinity.
In the other hand, a dichotomous key is a "guide" used by biologists when they need to indentify an individual. It is organized in several steps regarding some key characteristics in order to guide you to which species/genus/family your individual belongs to. A dichotomous key never provides any kind of trustworthy phyllogenetic information, and should be understood only as a tool.