Sociodemographic segmentation does indeed include gender, age, ethnicity, race and geography. This statement is true.
The is the Aztecs indigenous American civilization developed the largest and most densely populated capital city
capital: Ottawa
official languages: French and English
Rank among other countries for population: number 39 in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population.
Government: parliamentary democracy
Canada is the 2 largest country but only has 1/2 of the world's population. Canada is broken down into 7 physical regions: Arctic Lands, Cordillera, Interior Plains, Hudson Bay Lowland, Canadian Shield Forest Lands, St Lawrence Lowlands and Appalachia.
It was more that each nation was pressuring the US to stop trading. All Banks are connected in some way, that's why the panic of 1825 happened. however because each nation pressured the US to halt trade, they stopped trading with the US. Very apparent during the Napoleonic Wars. Even though Jefferson was pro France