) ratio of neutrons to protons in each element.
Earth's mantle plays an important role in the evolution of the crust and provides the thermal and mechanical driving forces for plate tectonics. Heat liberated by the core is transferred into the mantle where most of it (> 90%) is convected through the mantle to the base of the lithosphere.
Well the model above is showing all the planets in order from how close or far away they are from the sun and it also seems to show the scale of each planet compared to another.
As for the Evidence or why it is important to know this is because the scale and location of the planet to the sun directly effects everything about the planet, its Atmosphere, tempterue and rotaion. And the more we learn about all plants we can better underatand our own geological past behavior of its Atmostohere and futute clamatic trends.
Evolutionary theory highlights the adaptive value of within-species variability. Optimal biological and behavioral strategies differ depending on the nature of the environmental context as well as the characteristics of the organism such as age, sex, health, or physical size.