The parents alleles would be GG and gg. the reason why is if they were both GG they would all be GG. If they were both gg all the offspring would be gg. hope this helps.
A, its actually because of this rain forest soil is some of the least nutritious
<u><em>All of the above.</em></u>
1. Their watertight skin minimizes moistures loss: <em>Reptiles have a reputation that they are “slimy” when we touch and hold them; however, they have dry skin, which has even fewer glands than mammals or amphibians. The main special feature of their skin is that the epidermis is heavily keratinized with a layer, which also prevents water loss.</em>
2. Amphibians must lay eggs in water or in moist soil to reduce moisture loss: <em>Because amphibian eggs don't have an amnion, the eggs would dry out if they were laid on the land, so amphibians lay their eggs in water.</em>
3. Reptile egg shells are harder than amphibians' eggs: <em>Reptile eggs are coated with a leathery or brittle coating, and the animals that hatch from them are miniature versions of the full-sized animal parent. In contrast, amphibian eggs are transparent and jelly-like. The animals that hatch from them still must go through metamorphosis.</em>
<u><em>Hope this helps you have a better understanding:) !!</em></u>
Beryllium family
English Transcript:
Beryllium is the lightest member of the alkaline earth metals family. These metals make up Group 2 (IIA) of the periodic table. They include beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium. Elements in the same column of the periodic table have similar chemical properties.
Spanish (Español) Transcripción:
El berilio es el miembro más ligero de la familia de los metales alcalinotérreos. Estos metales forman el Grupo 2 (IIA) de la tabla periódica. Incluyen berilio, magnesio, calcio, estroncio, bario y radio. Los elementos de la misma columna de la tabla periódica tienen propiedades químicas similares.
Spillover infection, also known as pathogen spillover and spillover event, occurs when a reservoir population with a high pathogen prevalence comes into contact with a novel host population. The pathogen is transmitted from the reservoir population and may or may not be transmitted within the host population.