1:it began in july 28 1914- November 11 1918
2: A Fake Paris was Built to fool German Pilots in Word War 1
3:they used a urinated hanckercheif as self defense
Compromising is essential to forming strong relationships with others. Frendships with no compromise are bound to break due to disagreement and argumentation. Compromise also applies to the buisness world because if someone wants everything their way they'll likely become disdained by their coworkers. If worse comes to worst, they might get fired. With compromise however, these issues are solvable and circumventable.
Because of past experiences and feelings.
WHAT IS THE PROBLEM WITH SOCIAL SECURITY? The answer is a long-term shortfall. Social Security plans for solvency over 75 years, but because of demographic pressures and the weak economy, it is currently solvent only until 2033. After that, without reforms, it would pay about 75 percent of promised benefits.