B,D,E,F I just took the assignment..
The government borrows funds by selling Treasury bonds, notes, and bills. When governments run budget surpluses, what is done with the extra funds? The funds can be used to pay down the national debt or else be refunded to the taxpayers. You just studied 52 terms!
Why is a budget surplus not necessarily a good thing? It means tax rates may be too high. Why does the federal debt tend to increase during periods of recession? Economic activity decreases, which decreases revenues and increases outlays.
The French and the British dispute began when both sides wanted the Ohio River Valley and could not conclude to a solution thus why war started. Both sides wanted it to expand settlements into the area. The French made allies with some local Indians because they were struggling to take colonies in North America. The British lost this war putting them in high debt which would soon cause problems against the American Colony.
The answer is hunter gathers and farmers. This type of economy’s are heavily reliant on where tribes live.