Since you put "Sum" it will add
Written in C++
bool checkfloor(double num1, double num2, double num3) {
if(floor(num1 * num2) == floor(num3)){
return true;
else {
return false;
The function written in C++
This line defines the function
bool checkfloor(double num1, double num2, double num3) {
The following if condition checks if the floor of num1 * num2 equals num3
if(floor(num1 * num2) == floor(num3)){
return true; It returns true, if yes
else {
return false; It returns false, if otherwise
See attachment for full program including the main
The for cheaters? Like what kind of Cheaters?
<span>Hanging out with friends, watching your favorite TV show, and buying a pair of new shoes are all examples of rewards for doing well in school. As the result of doing well in studies, a person can hang out with friends, watch their own favorite TV show and can buy a new pair of shoes. Hence all these things are the rewards that are being generated for a good performance in school.</span>
It places electrical pressure on the wires in your computer, causing them to heat up and burn. Some wires may melt and even if your computer survives the surge, the strain alone can cause damage in the long run. A way to minimize a power surge is to use a surge protector.