Explanation:A is correct because it tells you that it is likely to have a bad outcome so it hints toward doomed because when you are doomed you will have a bad outcome or luck
In your English class when building a body paragraph you need to use that says evidence means matters format. First you say what your evidence says. After that you give the evidence such as a quote. After you give the evidence to say what it means and then you explain why that matters.
The correct answer is Reference
In grammar, a pronoun reference error occurs when a pronoun especially the pronouns "that", "those", "it" does not relate correctly to the noun it is replaces which lead to confusing, absurd or ambiguous constructions. This is called a pronoun reference error because the relationship between the pronoun and the noun it refers to that act as a reference or antecedent is not clear. This occurs in the sentence "The papers are on the desk that I corrected", in which the pronoun "that" seemed to refer to the desk when it actually refers to the paper and therefore the relationship between the pronoun "that" and the antecedent "the papers" is not clear. Thus, the type of pronoun error in this sentence is a reference or pronoun reference error.
Answer: name and date lauv