<em>The correct option is B) The economy became more industrial and diversified, leading many people to migrate to cities.</em>
After the world war II, defense contractors relocated in Georgia. These defense contractors provided job opportunities to many of the citizens. This step helped to raise the economy. The manufacturing sector grew up rapidly in Georgia providing better opportunities and living conditions to the people and hence they migrated from the rural areas to the urban areas. The farmers were already fed up with agriculture by the end of the second world war.
Feb. 4, 1802, Marcus was born. Mar 14, 1808, Narcissa was born. Mar 1, 1823, At age 21 Marcus studied to n=be a Doctor even though he wanted to be a Minister. Apr 26, 1819, Narcissa converts and becomes a member of the Congregational Church at age 11. Jan 6, 1835The board Met and decided that Marcus would be a missionary doctor. Mar 14, 1837Narcissa got quit the 29th Birthday Present a Baby girl. Feb 24, 1835, Marcus proposed to Narcissa Prentiss. Apr 26, 1844, Seven Sager Orphans Entered the Whitman's' Lives. Jun 23, 1839 Alice Clarissa Whitman Drowned in the Walla Walla river. Feb 18, 1836, they got married. Jan 1, 1836, The Whitman's left with another Missionary couple west. Nov 29, 1847 The death of Marcus and Narcissa Whitman. They were murdered by indians.
Not all county officials are elected though most are some are appointed
USA's independence occurred on this date
Bogdan I, sau Bogdan Întemeietorul (în română: Bogdan Întemeietorul), a fost primul domnitor independent, sau voievod, al Moldovei în anii 1360. Inițial fusese voievodul sau șeful vlahilor din Maramureș în Regatul Ungariei. Bogdan și servitorii săi au părăsit Maramureșul în Moldova între 1359 și 1365. Moldova fusese sub stăpânirea lui Sas al Moldovei, vasal al lui Ludovic I al Ungariei, dar vlahii locali s-au opus suzeranității maghiare. Bogdan l-a alungat cu forta pe fiul lui Sas, Balc, si a pus mana pe tron. Ca răzbunare, Ludovic I a confiscat moșiile lui Bogdan în Maramureș în 1365. Bogdan a domnit ca prim voievod al Moldovei. Nu a acceptat domnia lui Ludovic I al Ungariei, transformând Moldova în al doilea principat român independent.